So we have been working on poetry all year....

reading, memorizing, reciting, connecting to, writing about,
drawing about, and using poems to hunt for great language.
Now that testing is upon us I wanted our writing to be a bit
of fun and a bit of different....bring on poetry!
These kids are amazing....they have no fear
and love to share what they have created too!
We began with what we already know about poetry...
Then, each day we learn a new form....
W even have a fun poetry tree where students can hang up their poems....

During computer lab and COWs we have been publishing our favorites...
This one cracks me up....."ketchup not allowed"...
Oh and I love the candy poems.....we are reading Candymakers by Wendy Mass right now!
Here is my favorite, do you know why?
Tomorrow is our first official testing day....wish me luck!