Monday, January 16, 2012

Four Day work week

Nothing like a three day weekend to get you all in a frenzy because now you only have four days to fit in all that teaching that you thought you had five days to fit into!  Many teachers gripe because they miss the prep they had on the Monday they had vacation on...not me, I am thrilled because that gives my class a few extra nights to complete their science homework and we get a full morning together with out an interruption at prep time on our first day back together!!

This week I am hoping to cram in a very ambitious Non Fiction Reading Unit and tonight I must sit down to get it all down on paper in my plan book.  I am happy to say that I have WAY less grading to complete tonight because a very fabulous parent graded all the daily geo and spelling tests for me on Friday!!  WOOHOO!  But at the same time I have a few other fish to an empty plan book, journals to read/letters to write in return, realistic fiction stories to grade, and grades to record.

Along with all that awesome "work stuff" I need to do tonight....I also have about 150 pages of my book club book to read...Cutting For awesome book!  I am super addicted to reading it which is so great...just wish there were more hours in the day!!!  If you have not read this one yet...I highly recommend it!

I am hoping that as soon as I plop my two littles in bed I can read until 9 (not sure where I will fit in the work stuff) so I can accomplish this goal....then it will be time to watch.....The Bachelor (which I am recording on TIVO)....the drama this season is the BEST...too bad I don't love Ben's!

  I just love Monday nights....I think they are even sweeter when I have spent the entire day relaxing and hanging out with my family!!!  If only we could have these kind of weeks all the time!


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