Here we are on our first friday of our first week of school...
You might know what I am talking about.....that part where the only thing you do is take care of the baby! That is what I have been doing....only taking care of my 26 students/classroom/lesson plans etc!!
Here are just a few things that I have obsessed about over the last 4 weeks:
~ Daily 5
~ Creating a perfect schedule
~teaching about COWS and ipads and trying to get wifi to work
~Read aloud read alouds read alouds
~Notebook management
~Hiring someone to be my jobshare partner
~504's and SST's
~Teaching all those routines....bathroom, pencils, erasers, lunch counts, jobs
In the meantime....I have neglected quite a few things!
So this weekend I set out to be a bit more balanced.....
and what would you know.....I am writing a blog
entry for the first time in almost 2 months!
I went on a date with my hubby,
left my lesson plan book at school,
and have watched about 10 episodes of
my new favorite show....REVENGE!!
I met up with a firend who is also a teacher and mother of three
children. She said something that made me's the first 6
weeks of school...this is how it always is!
This week I have got to start taking care of me, hit the trails...
and run, and find time to read my book too!
Next weekend I get to go scrapbooking with friends, I guess I am
taking my good pal Ryan's!!
What do you do to stay balanced????